2841 Sandpiper Rd Details

Particulars about this vacation home include the following:

There are nine bedrooms, five and a half baths, a large kitchen and eat-in area, a large den, large living room with wood fireplace and exterior decks both on the upper and lower levels.

  • Our home sleeps 24

Bedrooms are as follows:

King size beds is in three bedrooms. Sleeps 2 ea (6)  (These are in Bedroooms 1,2,3)

Queen beds are in four of the bedrooms. Sleeps 2 ea (8) (These are in Bedrooms 4,6,7,9)

Two sets of bunk beds  (very nice mattress) in one bedroom. This sleeps 4 ( This is in Bedroom 8)

One set of bunk beds is in one bedroom with double size mattresses and a pull out single trundle bed Sleeps 5 (This is in bedroom 5)

A pullout loveseat in the living room sleeps one. (This is in the main living room)

* Please look at the "Floor Plan

  • Other Information: This is a no-smoking house.

The home also includes a DVD player, two central heat/air conditioners, gas grill, and wireless high speed internet. You will be happy to know that there are two dishwashers, a refrigerator upstairs and downstairs as well as a mini-refrigerator downstairs.

Weekly rental check-in is 4 p.m. on Saturday and check-out is 10 a.m. the following Saturday.

Off season rental weeks and weekends are negotiable.